Clayton's Miracles

  • 1. Life after a terminal cancer diagnosis as an infant
  • 2. Learning to walk after being paralyzed as an infant
  • 3. Having his son, Max after being told that he was infertile due to the cancer & its treatment.
  • 4. Making the adoption connection with Violet to give his parents a second grandchild.
  • 5. Waking up from a coma and diagnosis of persistent vegetative state.
  • 6. Retention of cognitive abilities despite testing that indicated only his brain stem was functioning.
  • Future # 7. Learning to walk and talk again.
  • Future #8. Being Max's hero and raising him into adulthood.

Under Construction

Please bear with us as we add and elaborate on the details of Clayton's story.  Read the most recent dates and then skip down to the first posts. 


Good Bad News...if there is such a thing.

Please keep Clayton in your prayers.  Over the past few weeks, maybe it's even been a month, Clayton has been at a stand still with progress in his recovery.  He takes a step or two forward and then a few back.

They've especially had a very difficult time regulating his blood pressure.  The doctors now believe that he may have a tumor in his adrenal gland.  (For the members of the Sitko family and those attending the benefit on Saturday: I told Grandmom Sitko that it's a "cyst"  Please don't mention the "c" word to her.  We don't need to have her become so worried that she falls again or can't sleep at night).  This gland sits on top of the kidneys and most likely received radiation from his cancer treatments as an infant.   We're hoping it's not cancerous. They have not been able to confirm this with testing because his myoclonis has been intense, this is the seizure like jerking movements that he experiences when he's ill.  Fortunately, they were able to get them undercontrol at the expense of his alertness.  The medications that control it well, have a sedative effect.  He is having a CAT scan now, as I write.

He has had a really tough day in hearing this news with tears and feelings of hopelessness.  We hope that the doctors will be able to find a way to control his myoclonis, get hopeful test results while they find the cause of his stagnation in recovery and high blood pressure.

We are still hopeful that he will make a full recovery and be home with us by the end of the summer.  If you are comfortable doing so, please spread the word and ask others that you know to pray, too.



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