Clayton's Miracles

  • 1. Life after a terminal cancer diagnosis as an infant
  • 2. Learning to walk after being paralyzed as an infant
  • 3. Having his son, Max after being told that he was infertile due to the cancer & its treatment.
  • 4. Making the adoption connection with Violet to give his parents a second grandchild.
  • 5. Waking up from a coma and diagnosis of persistent vegetative state.
  • 6. Retention of cognitive abilities despite testing that indicated only his brain stem was functioning.
  • Future # 7. Learning to walk and talk again.
  • Future #8. Being Max's hero and raising him into adulthood.

Under Construction

Please bear with us as we add and elaborate on the details of Clayton's story.  Read the most recent dates and then skip down to the first posts. 


5/16 Grandmom visits again!

We had a car full!  Max and Violet rode into the hospital on her mini car and Aunt Franny pushed Grandmom in on her wheels.  We were quite a sight going through the hospital.  Grandmom brought mom some lazy peirogie.  Clayton was really, really, really tired.  He ate some cream of wheat which made Grandmom feel much better that he's eating.  He had dialysis, so when he went downstairs for that, we went and had some lunch with Mom.  We got to ride down the service elevator and go into the dialysis unit with him.  He was sleeping so soundly that he didn't even notice us saying good-bye.  I slid open his eyeball and he kept on sleeping.  Max thought this was so funny!  When he woke up after dialysis, Clayte asked where Max was.  He didn't remember us trying to say good-bye.

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