Clayton's Miracles

  • 1. Life after a terminal cancer diagnosis as an infant
  • 2. Learning to walk after being paralyzed as an infant
  • 3. Having his son, Max after being told that he was infertile due to the cancer & its treatment.
  • 4. Making the adoption connection with Violet to give his parents a second grandchild.
  • 5. Waking up from a coma and diagnosis of persistent vegetative state.
  • 6. Retention of cognitive abilities despite testing that indicated only his brain stem was functioning.
  • Future # 7. Learning to walk and talk again.
  • Future #8. Being Max's hero and raising him into adulthood.

Under Construction

Please bear with us as we add and elaborate on the details of Clayton's story.  Read the most recent dates and then skip down to the first posts. 


5/17 What a talker!

Clayton's tremors are very well controlled, today.  He's really talking a lot.  Max and I came to visit him.  He brought his book Diary of a Wimpy Kid to read to Dad.  While Max loves the book, he has difficulty reading more than the cartoon captions, so I read it to both of them.  It was nice to see both of them laughing and having a good time.  

He's got so much to say.  Since it takes him so long to get the words out, it takes a great deal of time to have a conversation.  He's so determined to make sure that people know what he's saying and that he's intelligent.  He speaks so properly.  It took us about a half hour to get out of the door because he kept talking.  This is happening to the doctors, too. Mom is saying that they seem to be avoiding coming in the room because he won't let them leave!  He keeps talking and talking!

Note: Don't tell Max any secrets!  I'll explain, later.  It's kind of funny. :0)

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